
Ella Fryer-Smith delivered a hands-on workshop at UXBristol 2017, in which she explored how to broaden the scope of your research by applying ethnographic principles to your work. In this short video interview, she gives us an insight into her methods and the workshop itself:



Ella Fryer-Smith/h2>

Ella Fryer-Smith is an ethnographic researcher, specialising in film, with over ten years experience working in the industry, eight of which she spent at Ipsos Mori where she was a founding member of the Ethnography Centre of Excellence. Ella has worked across the public and private sectors on a vast array of subjects including; the redefinition of ‘financial capability’ to include a behavioural dimension for the Money Advice Service; exploring the question ‘does beauty matter’ for the Commission of Architecture and the Built Environment; understanding cleaning behaviours for a variety of FMCG clients; understanding the lives of homeless people to inform Government policy, and; observing the lives of patients living with a variety of diseases in order to understand the impact of the disease on their everyday lives.