Empathy for teams – Andy Parker

Have you ever found yourself inside an infinite loop with a colleague or client? Struggled to understand why your team-mate persists with the same point or question over and over when you don’t think it is that important?

All of us spend a great deal of time learning to empathise with those who we want to build products for, but how often do you stop and think about applying the same amount of energy to your colleagues, or project teams?

Design is communication and yet we all, at times find it difficult to express our point of view, or intended purpose. Wouldn’t you like to find a way to understand them better, and be better understood yourself?

We all interpret the things we experience differently. We may make emphasis on a specific moment because to us it was significant whilst another person, in exactly the same space, will think another thing was more important.

This simple design game, helps you, and your team to be present, creating mindful engagement and appreciating the different viewpoints everyone, giving everyone the opportunity to share with each other how you see & hear the world.

This is empathy for teams.

Andy Parker
Andy Parker is a UX Coach & Digital Consultant from England and founder of the anti-agency We Are AFK.

We Are AFK works with organisations to develop meaningful products and services for social good from startups to local governments and healthcare providers.
Andy has trained teams on how to bring human centred design (that’s design thinking for you new folks) into their day to day lives, emphasising that UX is not the role of an individual – but everyone.

He has several awards under his belt from national and international bodies, is a registered mentor with UXPA and an associate with the Open Data Institute.