Ethnography – Ella Fryer-Smith

This workshop will be a hands-on exploration of how to broaden the scope of your research by applying ethnographic principles to your work.

Ella Fryer-Smith
Ella Fryer-Smith is an ethnographic researcher, specialising in film, with over ten years experience working in the industry, eight of which she spent at Ipsos Mori where she was a founding member of the Ethnography Centre of Excellence. Ella has worked across the public and private sectors on a vast array of subjects including; the redefinition of ‘financial capability’ to include a behavioural dimension for the Money Advice Service; exploring the question ‘does beauty matter’ for the Commission of Architecture and the Built Environment; understanding cleaning behaviours for a variety of FMCG clients; understanding the lives of homeless people to inform Government policy, and; observing the lives of patients living with a variety of diseases in order to understand the impact of the disease on their everyday lives.